Japan Accuses Captain Paul Watson of Obstructing Japanese Whaling Operations: “Duh, ya think”
By: Captain Paul Watson
April 30 2010
The who is Paul Watson Capitan of the Sea Sheppard, and he has been arrested for obstructing an illegal Japanese whaling vessel on April/30/2010 in Japan why because he helps protect endangered animals and this time it is whales. He got arrested for battling ILLEGAL whaling vessel “witch he has since 2005”, that the Japanese are now protecting.
“I discovered today that the Japanese coast guard has issued an arrest warrant against myself for ordering my crew to obstruct Japanese whaling operations in the southern ocean whale sanctuary.”, said Paul Watson Capitan of the Sea Shepperd.
It is amazing that it took Japanese coast guard 5years to notice that he was doing that. “We’ve only been obstructing whaling operations since December 2005 and every year we have been more successful than the year before. This last season we saved the lives of more whales than the Japanese whalers slaughtered and we cost them tens of millions of dollars.” Paul Watson also exclaimed, “Neither authorities in Japan, New Zealand, nor Australia have questioned the Captain of the Shonan Maru 2 for deliberately ramming and destroying a three million dollar Sea Shepherd vessel and almost killing six Sea Shepherd volunteer crewmembers.”
What will happen when Paul Watson is off the water how many more animals will die will the whaling fleet get prepared for another attack well that not up to us.
Will Paul Watson escape the country or will he stay for the trial. Will he win and go for another campaign?
You did good. Good job.